
10th Class Result (2019-20)

Model School Kalanaur has always witnessed excellent result. No student has ever been detained in any of the classes. The class 10 th board result has been outstanding. All the students passed with flying colours. The details of the result are as follows.

10 th Class Result

100% Pass

3 Appeared


Sr.No. Name Percentage
1. Priya 98.20%
2. Jyoti 97.40%
3. Nobel 97%
4. kashish 95.20%
5. Bhavika 95%

Subject Toppers

Sr.No. subject name marks
1. English Jyoti 99
2. Hindi Priya 100
3. Maths Priya 100
4. Science Jyoti 96
5. Social Science Priya 95
6. Foundation of Information Technology Priya 100

90% And Above 10

Sr.No. Percentage Above 10
1. 80-90% 2
2. 70-80% 3
3. 60-70% 3
4. 40-60% 5